Where there is presence, there is magic

A woman with long hair is smiling for the camera.

Welcome friends!

In a world that values speed over patience, convenience over connection, achievement over contentment, we are the gentle warriors who can show the world a different way.

The teachings of yoga give us a beautiful practice called Santosha. Santosha is complete contentment with what is. When we practice Santosha, it gives us a one way ticket to the magical place I call enoughness. Sometimes we come to yoga and we try to be a better version of ourself or even a different self. But yoga is about just being ourselves as we are right now, with whatever comes up. Maybe you are new to yoga. Maybe you’re a long time practitioner. You are welcome here. Whether you’re surfing a high or a low, you are welcome here. It is okay to be a mess. It is okay to be a Rock Star. You are all welcome here. Whatever is going on for you, invite it to the peace table. Bring your intensity, your grief, your anxiety, your joy. No need to censor nor manage any part of yourself-your thoughts, your past, your body. You are already enough. The quiet miracle of yoga is that it is a practice of being, more than of becoming. Of befriending yourself, rather than changing yourself. Practice being with yourself this way and simply observe what shifts. What you might find is that peace arises out of the fertile soil of benevolence directed towards yourself. You are here for a reason. You may have sensed that something in your life needs to shift. You may be unsure of where to start. Start here, in Radical Acceptance. Santosha. Let this be the seed to a relationship with yourself that over time, grows into a tree that bears limitless fruit. With over a two hundred practices and growing weekly, my On Demand Library makes it easy for you to integrate yoga into your daily routine no matter where you are. I am grateful that you are here.

With Aloha, Kim

How It Works

Live Classes

-Virtual live classes every Monday + Thursday

-5:15-6:15 pm EST


-On-demand classes to enjoy at your own pace, anytime, anywhere

-Over two hundred live recorded classes to choose from

-New classes added every week!


“I want to say thank for you making the yoga recordings available. I took classes with you 13 years ago and then moved away to California and now the Philadelphia area where I currently am. In all the years since, I have never had a teacher like YOU, so it's been so exciting to be able to get classes from you REMOTELY!"

 You are as amazing as I remembered.

Thanks so much.

Joyce, Yoga student,