Oct. 13, 2022 (60 min) (filmed in MD) (Copy)

Oct. 13, 2022 (60 min) (filmed in MD) (Copy)


This class features: Shines the spotlight on Sacral chakra energy center.  Cultivating our witness consciousness so we can  meet ourselves with less judgment and censoring. Working with the simple inquiry, “What is needed now?” breath to breath, posture to posture.

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A slow flow vinyasa practice with dedicated time for meditation and stillness. Come as you are and be supported to move in a rhythm that will support you and challenge you, without creating stress on your nervous system.This introspective practice offers space to turn inward and nurture your calm quiet center. A curated playlist will provide music to breathe and move to, amplifying your experience on the mat. All levels welcome.

What to bring: a yoga mat. Any props you like to use during the practice are welcome: blocks, straps, blankets, bolsters.


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