Oct. 24, 2022 (75 min) (filmed in MD)

Oct. 24, 2022 (75 min) (filmed in MD)


This class features: A sink in, spacious and release class . Includes very light flow as we will be  leaning more into the softer yin energies. You will need a strap or anything that you have at hand: a towel, exercise band, bath robe tie. If you have none of it, do not worry, we will make do!

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A slow flow vinyasa practice with dedicated time for meditation and stillness. Come as you are and be supported to move in a rhythm that will support you and challenge you, without creating stress on your nervous system.This introspective practice offers space to turn inward and nurture your calm quiet center. A curated playlist will provide music to breathe and move to, amplifying your experience on the mat. All levels welcome.

What to bring: a yoga mat. Any props you like to use during the practice are welcome: blocks, straps, blankets, bolsters.


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